Eme Ashe

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Hit me with your straight shot

My clothes lined the walls of my bedroom, dust bunnies gathered in groups in the corners of my living room, boxes lay strewn about my apartment, I sat on the couch, sipping my coffee, taking it all in and then, my phone rang.

“Eme Ashe? This is your apartment manager. I’d like to show your apartment today at 3.”

I laughed. 4 hours and the clock was already ticking. I tossed my coffee aside and began furiously scrubbing and straightening in an attempt to make my apartment presentable to a potential tenant. I was successful. I can only hope this potential tenant fell in love with my straightened and scrubbed place as it could mean my August rent will be paid by someone other than me.

My place is so cozy and clean now, save the boxes piled behind the couch. The sun is out, the sky is blue, the laundry is quiet. Maybe this place isn’t so bad after all. I am now tasked with packing the remaining boxes and making a trip or two to Goodwill. I am picking out what clothes I want to wear for the next 3 weeks, trying to find the balance between chilly or temperate Seattle, dry and hot Dallas, and humid and warm Virginia.

"Errrrrrrt.” (That was the sound of tires squealing on the cement. What, you didn’t get that?)

“Virginia? This is Eme Ashe – EME ASHE. ASHE = Asheville. What gives?”

I just couldn’t get past the practicality of moving in with my parents for a little while. So that is what I am going to do. Yes, I’m a little nervous. I’m 31, moving in with my parents, working at home, in a town where I have no friends. I could go crazy. I could drive my parents crazy. We could all end up hating each other. I guess we’ll see what happens! At least I will be able to save some money, spend time with my family, not be stuck in a lease if indeed my “trial” position doesn’t work out, but most importantly, I won’t be stuck in a place I hate in a town I’ve never been. This way I will be able to drive to Asheville on the weekends, scope out the area, and decide 100% for sure that I want to live there and take my time finding a place.

Hey, I never said the road from the Emerald City to Ashvegas would be a straight shot.


you keep saying you are moving to a town where you have no friends, which is simply untrue!

in addition to the two of us, we have three boxes full of friends that we are holding onto for your arrival. they are in our basement.
No, no. This time I meant I don't have any friends in Blacksburg. I definitely don't have any friends there!

I know I have you two in Asheville. Poke a hole in those boxes; they will need enough air to last a few more months.
I love it!

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