Eme Ashe

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Green bubble wrap!

Not taking the bus for awhile made me remember how much fuel for the blog can come from a mere bus ride. For example, this morning, while adjusting my seated position, my hand accidentally grazed the gentleman next to me. Grazed the side of his butt! I swear it was an accident. I almost commented to him, “Whoops! Sorry about grazing your butt there!” then thought better of it. I could try to turn this into a thoughtful metaphor for life but it’s not. Sometimes you are going to inappropriately, accidentally grope a stranger. It happens.

I’m back at work and I don’t feel stressed. The weather is perfect, my boss is at home, my co-worker is on vacation, and I can just take the day to catch-up. First things first, sign my offer letter and fax that sucker back to my new boss. Secondly, finish this blog post (What? I’m working on my follow through ok?) Third, read 300 emails. Fourth, take a walk in the perfect weather. Fifth, have a few meetings. Sixth, go to a special work event! Seventh, go home.

I’m in the home stretch here. During my days off I packed and packed and packed. I bought 100 feet of green bubble wrap from u-haul and it’s almost all gone! I would say I am 80% packed with just the essentials remaining. I have also taped off an area in my living room to represent the size of my Relo-Cube from ABF to make sure I can fit what I want to bring. If my 7 year old, crappy Ikea dresser doesn’t fit…hmm…oh well!

I’m ready to set moving dates, reserve my Relo-Cube, bribe my friends to help me load it, and get my next adventure started. Over the next 6ish weeks, my last in Seattle, I will walk around Greenlake, visit with friends, eat sandwiches from Paseo, revisit my favorite spots, and say “thank you” and “goodbye” to what has been my home for the past 9 years, all while occasionally groping strangers on the bus. Bliss.


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