Eme Ashe

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Responsibility is Not Overrated

A few friends have mentioned concern that I am sharing too much information on my blog, particularly related to employment. Perhaps they are just trying to say, "Stop talking about your job already!" Their argument is that if someone from my employer stumbled onto this site, I could find myself in a bit of a pickle. As much as I love pickles, I decided they are probably right. I'll try to be a little more careful and perhaps take down any mention of my actual employer. From now on I will speak of working for a "large non-profit organization" or LNPO. I will have to go back and edit my posts for mention of specific LNPO.

This weekend was quite busy. There was much time spent with friends, celebrating promotions, reunions, and new life. This morning I did the "walk of responsibility," which is akin to the walk of shame and feels remarkably similar. After a nice, relaxing BBQ on Saturday night, with the blink of an eye I found myself in the middle of a chinese restaurant doing karaoke and drinking a MGD (a beer I haven't had in years.) After a few MGDs I knew getting behind the wheel was no option and rather than being stranded car-less today, I crashed on my friend's air mattress in a borrowed T-shirt, with my contacts seemingly glued to my eyeballs. When I left this morning with a headache and eye pain, it felt rather "walk of shameish." In reality, it was a walk of responsibility and knowing I made the responsible choice feels good. Here are a few pictures from the night.

Speaking of responsibility, two of my friends brought a baby into the world today! Congrats L and S! And yes, his picture is already plastered all over the internet, inluding on my blog. Baby's picture also took the coveted wallpaper spot on my iPhone today; that's a pretty big deal so you know he must be cute. It's crazy when a friend has a baby. Yesterday we were all at a BBQ together, she left, I karaoked, and now there is a new person in this world. L and S are responsible for his life for the rest of theirs. Sure puts things into perspective! I'm excited to watch this little guy grow up. Here are some pictures taken during his first few hours of life.

In other news, my iBook died this morning. Died as in, WON'T EVEN TURN ON. I'm crying on the inside. Thank goodness for my work-issued Dell laptop! C'mon Dell, we're going on vacation! I'm headed to the Oregon coast in the morning for a few days. Dell and I will post pictures during our journey so stay tuned!


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