Eme Ashe

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A whoa, pretty pics and not much else

WHOA. I don’t think I can convey how close this was in writing.

I just stepped out onto the balcony with my laptop but forgot there was a step, twisted my ankle, lurched forward, and the momentum forced my hands over the railing. I ALMOST DROPPED MY WORK ISSUED LAPTOP OVER THE EDGE OF MY 4TH FLOOR BALCONY. That was close. I’ve already killed one laptop this week and I’d like to keep it at just the one.

Anyway...earlier in the day...

Things accomplished: Car insurance paid online. Um...that’s about it!
Activities for the day: Slept in, ate free breakfast, aquarium visit, book reading, walk on the beach, late lunch, nap.

Turns out my camera has an aquarium setting!

Pretty views from the deck.


Nice pictures! Glad there wasn't one of a laptop smashed on the rocks (or in the parking lot or on top of your car or ...)
Yay for the job and clarity and mini-breaks! Boo for the broken iBook and MGD. :) Keep us posted on travel schedules...looking forward to seeing you soon!!

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