Eme Ashe

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Lowdown

I know. You’re in suspense. Me too! I am ready for this emotional roller coaster to be over. Down the last hill, parked at the bottom, with a whole new crowd of people getting onboard. Here is the lowdown and all I have the energy for at the moment.

1. No offer today. It turns out the meeting was just a meeting. Not a meeting with an offer at the end of it.
2. At said meeting I received a little more information. Turns out this opportunity is more of a trial situation. We will be “trying” this recruiting structure and evaluating its success after 60 days.
3. So…that means I shouldn’t/can’t move until we have a chance to see if this is working for everyone. Knowing the LNPO, this will not happen at 60 days. We tend to move slowly around here.
4. I also received a message from a recruiter about a position that I applied for. Funny thing is, she found my resume on Monster and didn’t even know I had applied.
5. I called her back and left a message. Then I stalked her on LinkedIn and sent her an email. I hope to hear back tomorrow. I hope she doesn’t think I’m crazy.
6. This job would involve local NC travel. This job would be a generalist HR role, not just recruiting.
7. Right this moment I am back to thinking – maybe I shouldn’t let one company dictate my life and career course.
8. Maybe this opportunity I heard about today would work out.
9. Maybe I should take the risk, leave the LNPO, move back east and find a job I really want to do.
10. I was told I would have an offer by Friday.

I will be accepting any and all advice. I know the practical and emotional sides but how do I integrate them to reach the right decision?


Hi! I comment on your blog all the time! I hope that's not annoying.

It sounds like you're not so into this job, to be honest. Like no matter what, it's just a temporary thing until you get a job you really like. I can understand the practicality side of things, like what if you accept the offer, move, and after 60 days they pull the plug? That would suck.

But, if your heart is telling you that you're done here and you're ready for the next adventure, well, I very much believe in leaps of faith. What's the saying? Jump and the net will appear? I believe the net will appear, that you'll move and that they either won't pull the plug (allowing you more time to find a new job) or you'll find a new job right away. Or this Monster.com lady will come through.

Whatever you decide, the waiting is always the worst, isn't it? Ugh, drives me batty in my own life.
Erin! I love that you comment on my blog!

And you're right, I'm not excited about this job long term. In my mind I am committed to it for a year and it is a means to get me to the East Coast with a paycheck. That is the practical side.

The emotional side is that this is not the type of job I want to do and I don't want to work in Seattle for the next 2-3 months in a job I don't want only to be told that it's not working and that I can't move. I feel like I have already wasted enough time.
Whoa, I just got what Erin is saying and it is not what came out of my work conversation. My brain wasn't working fast enough.

Ok, so either I quit my job and move with no job or I move knowing that I am taking a risk and may not have a long term gig. Either way, I can move soon. I don't have to wait for the AHA to figure out if this is working or not. Duh.

Mom, Dad, I moving in!
Ha ha. There is something about being in our thirties that makes us more practical... I think I'd feel quite uncomfortable moving without a source of income in place (now), but it's more because I know society will judge me. They will call me crazy! And irresponsible! A crazy and irresponsible 31 year old!

When I was 24, everyone told me I was crazy, but I didn't really care. I moved to Seattle and found a new job six months later. It all worked out, just like I knew it would.

Maybe I was dumber then. I don't know. But I'd like to keep some of that 24-year-old dumbness with me as I get older... why not take leaps of faith, if I truly believe in them?

Anyway, do what you are comfortable doing. My fingers are crossed that the job situation is ironed out before you move. Less stress that way. C'mon new awesome job! Show up already!

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