Eme Ashe

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tweeting Twitt

I got cocky. I thought I had Twitter figured out. I didn’t. I don’t. But I’m a lot closer than I was yesterday and not everyone can say that. I know they have a tutorial page to learn the lingo and such; why won’t I read it? Am I that stubborn? Yes, yes I am. Like I said, today I made a lot of progress on my relationship with Twitter. I think in the end we will have a rewarding and lasting relationship. I have successfully added the Twitter widget to my page and thankfully, it is not as intrusive as I was expecting. I have even managed to somewhat color coordinate it with the blog which is quite exciting. What does all of this mean to my blog readers, followers, and haters? Well, it means that you get to read a lot of stuff that you don’t care about and probably a lot of stuff that you do care about. Most importantly, it means that when I finally do get to take that drive across the country, I will be able to update the blog from the road. (I think I may need to add the Twitter piece to the job description for my co-pilot.) My readers are sure to be on the edge of their seat, following my tweets. They will be asking questions like, “how are they STILL in Kansas?” and thinking things like, “that was the funniest bumper sticker ever!” or “flat tires suck.” Until then, tweets will just be tweets about closing down my time in the Emerald City.

Am I a twitterer? Am I a tweeter? No, just a tweeting twitt who is glad to have you along for the ride. Follow me on Twitter: @EmeAshe


you crack me up!! do you have a co-pilot for your journey? or are you still trying to hire for that position?
I am still accepting applications! :)

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