Eme Ashe

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day #4: Amarillo to Dallas

Monday: Amarillo, TX to Dallas, TX

It doesn't sound like I went very far today since I stayed in the same state but Texas is big! Actually, I intentionally planned my trip so I would drive a short day today to rest up for my week of training. The drive from Amarillo to Dallas took about 6 hours and quite frankly, wasn't very exciting. I missed the Rocky mountains and I just wanted to get through this part of my journey. Thankfully, I made it to Dallas with no problems and am happily settled into my room with a view.
This is the view of Dallas while driving into the city. I quickly realized I needed two hands on the wheel and maybe a few prayers. The jury is out on these Dallas drivers but they give east coast drivers a run for their money! On the sign advertising the rest stop, there was a smaller sign that said, "Tornado Shelter." I didn't even need to stop but I had to see the tornado shelter! And here it is! Thank goodness I didn't have to use it! Weather has been great the whole trip so far. Whew! This is what I first saw when I pulled into the rest stop in the middle of Texas. Yikes!


I've been to Dallas many times (my other childhood friend named Courtney moved there when we were in fifth grade, so we visited each other every summer) and I have to agree.... Texas drivers are CRAZY, AGGRESSIVE, and FAST. All caps! Don't mess with Texas. I adore Dallas, hope you like it, too! Enjoy your week!
Yes, they are rather aggressive. Dude, I have Washington plates. Clearly I am NOT from around here. No, I don't know where I am going. I am trying to fake it, ok! Jeez!

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