Eme Ashe

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A cozy new look on a cozy morning

It truly is the coziest of mornings. The rain is coming down at such a pace to create a perfectly pleasant sound as it bounces off the trees. I do love living in the mountains. (If only those birds would knock it off so I could hear the rain even more...kidding...I kid...I love birds. I do.) I poured myself a vat of coffee so I could blog uniterrupted by coffee refill breaks. Now, under my covers again, I write.

When I first started Eme Ashe, which is how I seem to affectionately refer to my blog, I was working through my transition from Seattle. It really was about a huge life change and frankly, a break-up with my city. It was more about breaking up with the past than starting my future. Recently, I have found myself struggling to move on, engage, embrace that future. I had no urge to update my blog. I simply had nothing to say. I realized perhaps my blog just didn't fit my life or my voice anymore. Friday night, after work, I started making some changes and it only took a few minutes to conclude I was right. It needed a change. A fresh look. A fresh voice. So here it is!

Picking out a new blog template is like picking out a new husband - when you find the one, you just know (or so I'm told.) My first template was perfect (I mean, you must agree, no?) It was pretty, it was blue, it captured my move from a big city to a small town perfectly in graphics. I loved it and I instantly knew it must have been created intentionally for me.

Ok, the rain just turned to huge flakes of snow. Weird. I love living in the mountains.

I searched through hundreds of templates, not sure exactly what I was looking for. I did know that I would know it when I saw it. This is it. It is pretty, it is blue, it is hopeful. It is me in a new space, on new land, with nothing but beauty surrounding me. Also, and this is my secret, the new template is the perfect mate to my other blog. Yes, my other blog. The one I keep just for me. The one on one else gets to see. I can do that. I'm Eme Ashe. My other blog template is dark, with blues and purples, but has the same format and a similar graphic. Together and apart they are perfect.

I'm not sure just what my new blog will turn into but I'm willing to find out.

Ok, now it's just snowing. Maybe I should close my windows. Nah. Except...snow sounds quite different than rain. As in, completely different. As in, it makes no sound. Dang it. Now I can only hear the birds. Stupid living in the mountains and its elevation and whatnot.

Here are a few photos I took of the French Broad River after our record rainfall.


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