Eme Ashe

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

City girl, mountain girl, girly girl

Right, so I am none of the above except I am a girl. Last week someone asked me if I'm a "mountain girl" now. Earlier someone had commented that I was a "city girl" because I was wearing boots. I promptly lifted my jeans to show that they were actually cowboy boots. So what am I? I am a little bit of everything I guess, which is actually kind of fun. I can wear my black ensemble and go for cocktails, throw on my boots for some live country or bluegrass, or wear sweats for two weeks straight. I grew up in the suburbs of DC, then the country, then Pittsburgh. I went to college in a poor, poor, small town, then moved to the big city for a decade. Now I'm in a happy place that is kind of a combination of it all. The best part? I can be myself, whoever that is on whichever day, because of course it changes. How could it not?

So wow, I am not a girly girl. I have known this but decided to write about it today. In general I tend to be a bit klutzy. With girly stuff, it's even worse. Sure, walking can be challenging for me so how about trying to paint my toenails - while actually keeping the paint on the toenail, not just the toe. It's tough. This morning I gave my toenails a spruce. It was after the first coat that I realized I hadn't put my jeans on yet...which gave me great reason to blog...as the paint dries and dries. Additional convincing evidence for my not-a-girly-girl case appeared this morning when I dropped lotion onto my brush. There is really no good way to remedy that. I have reigned in my tooth brushing which used to result in toothpaste down my entire arm...like to the elbow. Does/did anyone else in the world have that problem? I still have a gift of getting deodorant everywhere but it is not as bad as it used to be. When I was younger I consistently impressed people. "Wait, is that...? How did you get deodorant there?"

These days I have accepted myself for who I am. I wear makeup if I feel like it. I try to keep my nails painted in the summer. I attempt to not look like a hideous mess when I leave the house. Sometimes I fail, sometimes I don't. I've always refused to label myself but today I accept the label of non-girly-girl and that should cover me for awhile.


Wow - thought I was reading about myself! I actually bought some nail polish today (Chicago Champagne Toast) ... felt like adding some color to my toenails now that I'm wearing sandals so much. Haven't used it yet but will probably end up with some outside of the actual nail. For better or worse it could be said ... like mother, like daughter!
I am the same way, but you already knew that. :) Am so excited to see you this weekend!!!!!!!! Hope for nice weather.

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