Eme Ashe

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Taking in the rain.

Sometimes I stop to take in a moment. You’ve seen it in other posts if you’ve read my blog somewhat. You’ve heard me say it if you’ve been with me at the right time. I should say it more often because this life is filled with moments. “Stop and take in the moment,” worthy moments.

This is one of them.

It’s raining. I’m catching up on email. I’m watching a show that touches my heart and my youth. I’m sipping wine. I’m listening to thunder. I’m watching for lightening, (because maybe I need to turn off the TV!) I muted the TV, set down my wine, reclined on the couch, and am now taking a moment.

It’s raining. It’s cool. The windows are open. All I can hear is the rain and my fingers clapping along my keyboard. That’s it. This is it. This right here is why I moved away from the big city, to hear the rain.

Looking up from my laptop screen really solidified the moment for me. I’m looking at an unfinished painting by a friend of mine. She insists it’s not finished but I love it. I named the girl in the painting Clara. She might never be finished but I love her just the same. Maybe she is me. Perpetually unfinished. In my direct gaze is also my end table. My eyes go directly to the tag that is still hanging. It’s been 9 months but I might return it. No? Ok, the truth is I forgot the tag was there and I have long been committed to my cheap end tables. It’s not about tags or price, it’s about purpose. They are holding up my lamps and occasionally my water glass. Sometimes my phone. They have purpose.

It’s still raining. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the beauty of a blog. Stream of consciousness. My stream. And you have to read it because you can’t not. And you just got to the end and you’re realizing, there is no purpose to this post. You’re right. There isn’t. Except, that maybe there is.

Look up. Look around. Right now. Enjoy the moment.


There was a thunderstorm today that I think you would have liked. =)

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