Eme Ashe

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Monday, December 6, 2010

A snow globe with heated streets

That's where I am - in a snow globe. For the past three days there has been an almost constant flake in the air. Call it a flurry or a tapering snow shower, it doesn't matter. Flakes in the air = real life snow globe. Pretty.

So, I think my street is heated. Yesterday, as I watched the snow globe's snow swirl, I noticed none of it was sticking to my road or my driveway. I figured the temperature was high enough and the ground was too warm. As evening set in I had to go on a beer run - friends coming over to watch the Steelers game - it was a necessity! As I turned off my street I found some snow on the road. At the next turn there was a good inch of snow on the road! Whoa. My journey continued, complete with a fishtail and some anti-lock break action. I laughed to myself, "Ha, I'm risking my life for a beer run and they probably won't even come."

Guess what?

They didn't come!

Why not?

The roads were bad!

Oh. They are much smarter than me. Though, to be fair - I didn't know the roads were bad until I was out of my neighborhood. Plus, I was committed to getting beer for my friends and the game. Plus, I am extremely, extremely stubborn. Now I have a fridge full of beer and the world is frozen so I can't leave the house, except to go on my heated street of course. What to do, what to do...

Well, the Steelers won, the beer can keep me warm, and I will see my friends again. As long as the flakes stay pretty I won't post any snow-hate posts, though have a feeling they will show-up eventually. I'm not sure about my street, but I know the street to snow-hate posts is not heated.


When are we going to get a new blog post?

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